National Business Incorporators, Inc. is directly on-line with each states corporation division for the filing of your Corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC). We are the Internet's leading provider of confidential, personal and affordable incorporating, LLC Formation, and Business Services.

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You need a registered agent and a registered office address. We provide both. You need to file Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. We take care of that for you. You need to file for a Tax Identification Number with the IRS. We'll do that for you. You need a "Corporate Records" Book which contains everything from pre-printed stock certificates with your corporate name, corporate minutes, meetings, corporate resolutions, etc. We provide the book; you keep the records because only you know the activity and actions of the corporation. You need a corporate seal. We provide that.

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You need a registered agent and a registered office address. We provide both. You need to file Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. We take care of that for you. You need to file for a Tax Identification Number with the IRS. We'll do that for you. You need a "Corporate Records" Book which contains everything from pre-printed stock certificates with your corporate name, corporate minutes, meetings, corporate resolutions, etc. We provide the book; you keep the records because only you know the activity and actions of the corporation. You need a corporate seal. We provide that.

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Direct: (760) 774.2340